YES is an independent snowboard company founded by shred icons Romain De Marchi, JP Solberg and DCP. YES. doesn’t strive to be No.1, simply a refreshing and real alternative to the stale state of the status quo.

Launch a brand at the bottom of the financial crash with nothing but a burning passion for snowboarding and the lifestyle that surrounds it. Ignore all naysayers that insisted there was no such thing as a post-B shred life, because frankly you know of no other way to live. Don’t read a single business book. Don’t figure out how to make money. Just keep doing what you do and do it on your own terms.

Who are we? Or more importantly, who the hell do we think we are?

It began with 3 young men sharing a passion to elevate what high-performance snowboarding could look like on their own terms. Being some of the first to really push resort-based freestyle moves onto natural terrain and giant features made these men rockstars in their own right. And deservedly so. Perceptions were shattered. Comfort zones removed. Their lives (and ours) would never be the same.

This approach towards product is much of what YES. is. Defining progression and performance on our own terms, has proven to benefit riders of all abilities.  (Trickle-down works with design much better than economics.) Yes.’s cultural influences run deep into surf and skate. We learn from surfing’s rich cultural history as much its history of shaping. We have way too many surfboards in our garage for people that live in the mountains and we check the surf forecasts even when we know there is no way we’re getting to the beach. Surfing influences our approach to natural terrain and inspires us to carve our own line on an ever-changing canvas. 

And of course, we are all products of skateboarding’s golden age. Skateboarding taught us where to grab, how to spin and that there’s no such thing as a frontside Indy. It defined for us style, attitude and ethos. Our sport has tracked similar booms, busts, exploitations, and finally indifference. And just as skateboarding has done, we’ve weathered it all. 

It is this mish mash of influences and experiences that merge into how we define snowboarding. Freestyle, Freeride, Powder, Park - a single label doesn’t do it justice. So follow our lead, and take it from there. Be influenced or be inspired. When you ride a YES. Snowboard, we expect you do it on your own terms.